Ah, what a brilliant story! Children are being totally robbed of their precious childhoods on screens, as are adults. The difference is that, as adults, we often have no choice but children shouldn't have to be subjected to screen to the same extent. Eliminating screens for your children was a marvellous idea.
As an adult, I resent the amount of time I spend on screens. I am getting better. I have put down at least some boundaries, and don't stay up past a certain hour, determined to rest and sleep. Last year, I did more than burn the midnight oil, I totally disrespected my right to switch off and sleep. Hence, my health suffered. Towards the end of last year and over Christmas, I started reducing screen time and especially over Christmas when I was travelling and didn't have my computer. Yet I was still addicted to my phones, so much so that the place I was staying had circuit and power cut, and in the middle of the night I requested a room change, so I could charge my phone! I could've waited till morning but I guess also as I was on my own, it was more anxiety than anything, as I needed my phone. Unfortunately I lives are literally on our phones and that's why losing it is so awful, as everything is lost and we don't know who might have it.
I admire you so much for giving your children the childhood you had and want for them. The dangers of screens, mobile phones, etc, are phenomenal. I don't have children but if I did, I would be very tempted to do what you are doing. Cyberbullying has taken many a young life, and the threats now are outrageous. Unless you can monitor children's devices 24/7 you've no idea what could be going on. Instead, you have peace of mind. Don't worry about feeling like a hypocrite. I am sure your children know you rely on your phone and computer as a responsible adult but you are behaving like a responsible parent to them. Keep up the great work and try to also reduce your own screen time. It truly sucks up our lives far too much. x