Excellent article Bill. The problem is sometimes there is simply no respect, no value and you can't create something out of nothing. You can't change other's deep feelings of frustration, resentment, prejudice or whatever and why would anyone waste their time and try to. Some people do things intentionally. They know and choose to do that. They aren't victims, it's a choice. It maybe controversial to say that, as we want to see the inherent humanity in others. Still their choices shouldn't dictate ours. We can view them with humanity but it doesn't mean accepting negative attitudes or not be valued and appreciated. Words are powerful, as you know, so people who use words to manipulate or even just insensitivity and uncaring should take responsibility if others react. Our world views and how we think about others often come across in our writing. We can have empathy but still expect accountability. Having a choice to not waste our time negatively or deal with toxic attitudes is a good choice that protects our boundaries.
Thanks for sharing the book link. It looks very interesting.