Good problem solving and resilience. It is difference to immerse yourself totally in Spanish life when you don't speak the language. I have always lived in English speaking countries, so language barrier wasnt an issue. I think I do to some extent feel some disconnection in my life. I moved back here last year, having lived 4 twars in another county. Unfortunately on moving back I encountered negative unhelpful people, who I had considered friend. It got from bad to worse and very hostile, then other negative things happened. I don't feel as happy here as I was before I returned, despite having a good home. At lot has changed for me, I've got older, suffered relationship issues and have considered travelling or at least taking holiday. I have my own place here, although only rent it, and bought everything for it, so it's not so easy to leave and I don't think I will ever truly have the freedom to travel now. There is just something missing here and I don't feel connecting with locals with solve it in my case. I love your story, it is one of hope, optimism, courage and resilience, and determination to overcome obstacles. It's important to be happy and lovely idea that we are a part of society anywhere we are, now just in a small world. The world's a big place, and we all all part of society anywhere we are.