Deirdre ("Writer in the Abyss" )
2 min readMar 14, 2024


Helpful advice. Rushing things often results in regret depending on what is rushed. It's never advisable to push one's limits too far, as to possibly seriously injure health. Stay away from that and possible emergency room visits. Health is wealth and is individual to everyone, depending on many factors such as personality, traits, socioeconomic, existing health conditions, etc. Generally pushing oneself too far should be avoided. For me, I find some level of pushing myself at certain times beneficial to learning and quite healthy. The other day I underestimated my time and devalued it, leaving things till later in the day I knew wouldn't be easy to finish. I stayed up till almost 3am to finish a story, and probably because of my timing mishaps, overlooked certain things. Having gone to bed at 3am not completely exhausted by glad to eventually get some sleep, half an hour later I realised mistakes I made in the story. Rather than leave it until morning, I got up, switched on computer amd spent another 1-2 hrs going through my story again, making changes etc. For me, leaving it until morning would've meant longer delays, putting it off etc. I went back to bed for a few hours and was pretty tired the whole day but not totally exhausted. I actually felt quite healthy that I finished my story properly and learnt a lot from it. However there are certain other things I wouldn't rush into or to do, that require a lot of thought and consideration, like big decisions etc. If done wrongly could have implications. I think I have a relatively healthy approach and know when I need to push myself more and sometimes have to, but I also know when not to and wouldn't want to do it all the time. I am still very much finding my feet on medium and getting into this whole writing business, so I tread somewhat cautiously but with a certain degree of courage too.



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