Hi Julia, thanks for adding me as a writer. One thing I would like to bring to mind is the issue of submitted stories already in publications on Medium. I understand that the stories belong to the author's and of course, they are free to re-submit to another publication. But I think caution is need in the way this is done. I've researched this a lot and some time ago did this but not by deleting from one publication and adding to another. First I copied the story, then put it in draft, then deleted the story for the publication. I then made changes and submitted to the new publication. In that way the story didn't show as "unlisted". I read that Medium states that stories shouldn't be unlisted, so if someone removes a story from the publication the story is in, that will unlist the story. It is better to copy the story into draft, then completely delete off the system before submitting to another publication. I did this with one of my stories, and all was fine.