I agree with this. A healthy mind automatically chooses to consume healthy things. I've certainly moved over to that side, realising how much of what I consumed had a massive impact on my health. Having recently been very ill with flu, it was a wake up call to look after myself more. I am on the mend now and my new attitude is proving good. Am getting things done easier, balancing things better, feeling lighter etc. But it's not just physical health and food etc, as you say, it's who you associate with, and detaching from their negativity. Many people have negative attitudes whether overt or not, and it's a fact. We certainly are at risk of taking on this same negativity. I personally rather be totally alone that try to cope with negative people. They can really affect so much about how we perceive ourselves, including making bad and unhealthy choices. The saying "Good In, Bad Out" springs to mind. We not only consume things and what people say from "outside" but that enters our mind and influence how we behave (including what we consume). It can be a vicious cycle.