I am so sorry to hear this, and glad you are OK Sheamus, despite being traumatised and scared. Never again walk home on your own late after a few drinks. I never walk on my own late at night. I used to when I was younger and didn't realise the serious danger I put my life in. I often walked a long distance home, believing it was safe, sometimes around 2 or 3am! Looking back, I was very lucky nothing happened to me. I would never ever do it now.
I have had experiences where I thought my life was over. Once, there was an incident near a river which was in a tourist area and I saw a woman assaulting a man. I phoned police and suddenly 2 woman attached me, dragging me near the river, pushing me to ground and kicking me. Terrifying experience. I feared for my life. Another time in London a man I knew started attacking me. He pushed me to the ground and kept kicking me. I feared for my life. Luckily a next door neighbour came to my rescue and bought me inside. You were very lucky nothing worse happened. You did right to let your phone go, your life is more important. What a horrific experience!