I do give benefit of the doubt but when push comes to shove, I can be quite assertive and firm with boundaries. I think overall I am improving in this area. Previously if I set boundaries, I would feel really bad, so holding boundaries was difficult, and I tended to have second thoughts and doubts. But I stick to them more now and think learning from experiences is the most important thing, and growing from the uncomfortable experience it brings. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, and valuable insights are gained. Even though criticism can seem negative, it is ultimately how we respond to it that makes the difference. Do we learn or ignore it? There is always something valuable to learn, but being clear in our own mind where we stand is good, and we sometimes need to stand up for ourselves too, otherwise we aren't being who we really are. It's OK to say or let someone know "I don't like that or what you did or said", maybe not in those words, but whatever is the best way to do it, and likewise, they may not like what we do or say. We learn from others about ourselves. Thanks for reading and engaging.