I enjoyed reading this. The word "strange" itself donates we are all strange in our own unique way, so connecting with other "strangers" is perfectly normal behaviour. I often enjoy chatting with total strangers and it's a nice interaction. However, I think there can also be a "downside", in that we need to be emotionally intelligent, as you say and that can be difficult. Just like it's difficult to please everyone in life. Sometimes people not be in mood to talk, busy etc. Sometimes people feel offended if their approach at being friendly is rejected. There is a fine line between casually chatting to strangers and "making friends". For those shy, introverted or simply mourning loss and not particularly wanting a friendship it can be tricky. I recall once meeting a nice lady and her relatives at a social event. I naturally started chatting and we chatted a good bit. We exchanged phone numbers. Then I got quite a few calls when I really didn't want to talk. I tried to be polite and said I was really busy but kept getting calls. I eventually blocked their number. I felt a bit bad doing it but I was going through a difficult time emotionally and didn't want to talk to anyone. So I would say talking to strangers is great for sure, but be mindful too. Don't give a wrong impression. I shouldnt have suggested exchanging phone numbers but at the time seemed a good idea, as felt a but lonely and cut off.