
Edited: Thanks for the mention Jonathan. I think in many ways we are lucky in developed countries, but in other ways not. Money is said to be the root of all evil, and the sheer amount of scammers and fraudsters online is alarming. I woke up to a text message from my bank telling me that my bank card was on hold, and asking if I authorized a payment for a company I didn't recognize for €262! Eventualy I spoke to someone else who informed me there were at least 3 attempts made to defraud me, using my bank card details!!

One attempt got through, but luckily was for less than €1. I AM grateful for what God has given me and my life and feel a strong sense of higher power, but sometimes wish I could just live without money (at least as much as possible). Sometimes it serves a more evil purpose than we realize. I am managing to cope with it but it’s been a big hassle, resetting everything, and trying to protect myself. This is happening everywhere but never thought it would happen to me. Sorry for the longer message earlier, I’ve edited this one. I was alarmed when I discovered what happened.



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