I think the same goes on in publications, the read for read mentality, although it's less obvious. I don't see how anyone can force someone else to read their stories anyway. There is no physical way to force someone. I read only what I am interested in and that I want. I have blocked lots of people trying to force me in groups and make it very clear I am selective what I read. Regards making money, well if everyone is honest, we all like to make a few pennies and if that means reciprocal (genuine) reading in publications or groups, it makes no difference. You have autonomy, control and choice over your reading experience. Everyone writes for different reasons but many seek a balance between enjoying writing and sharing, and earning a bit of money. Hardly a crime of humanity! Don't read what you don't want. Block or whatever. No one can force anyone to do anything. Some people write as a side hustle to their main job, if they have one but everyone has different circumstances. By the way, when you posted screenshot of Facebook groups, some people's identity was shown as it didn't block it entirely.