I think this carries a very important message. One "hidden" or not obvious unlearning is when so-call "friends" ignore things we say or do, knowing full well they are simply encouraging us to be the worst of ourselves. In toxic situations this can go on a long time and it's almost deliberate, the person or friend maybe someone you respect, like a projected authority figure (parent) and this makes it harder to separate one's own morals and judgements and maybe suspectible to becoming controlled by such people who reinforce negative things we do. A true friend would genuinely not want us to be misguided. It's like a bad person who ignores or has a permissive attitude to their children, and let's them away with anything. Then suddenly explode, punish and reprimand the child, who doesn't even know lw what they did wrong. I fear bad parenting is passes on through generations. Eventually we must parent ourselves with our own boundaries, authority etc and not look externally for anyone to represent authority figures.