I thought I read others, must have been something else. Will look again.
It's a bit disturbing, as there are so different views which claim smokers "overestimate" the dangers of vaping. As a result, it could stop people using vapes instead of cigarettes and could encourage people to turn to cigarettes instead of vaping. I read this is the following link, which is a BBC report.
But also read contradictory evidence in another about addiction and dangers of vaping.
This is a news article stating that there is no evidence vaping prevents smoking and young people who never smoked are faced with the "scourge" of vaping. It also warns its inevitable there will be long term damage to brain, heart etc from metals in vapes. A study done showed different flavors (fruity, candy) to have more harmful components and chemicals, due to high temperatures used to heat the flavors.
If I find any more things in news, like the one I sent about Kayle, I will send you links.