It's a horrible situation Jacqueline. I don't think I would even stay living there, even if I owned my home. I don't tolerate bad or antisocial neighbours easily. I've left places for those reasons. Once I was stalked by a disturbed man in a house share. My room was on the ground floor and each time he left or came back to the house, he would purposely stare in my window. He used to shout out his window when I was going out, wanting to me to have tea with him. One morning around 6 am, he and a friend came back. They turned off the WiFi and later when I tried to use my computer I couldn't. I went to the living room to see what was going on, and got harassed by them. Then they started banging on my door. I phoned police and they came out. After that I left, but ended up in the countryside near nothing and no car (as I don't drive). The landlord said he was evicting him and trying to go through the process of getting him out, but it was a long process. The landlord wanted me to return, so he bought me back to the house. I was the only woman there. There was another guy who was horrible too, and he and the other one used to fight, it was frightening. The other guy then started picking on me. I just left in the end, and found a different place. A while ago, I saw the guy who stalked me got a prison sentence for racially abusing a woman.