Jonathan, I read your previous article and this one and am glad you are highlighting these human rights injustices. Although I don't live in the same country, believe me, it's the same here. I felt very upset earlier this week, when on Thursday I had an official interview with a Social Welfare Inspector at their offices, giving all my Medium earnings (which aren't much considering I am only 4 months on the MPP).
Prior to this, I mentioned to you, that there were threats to invade my privacy and come to my home. On suspicion of what? I've been more than honest, and probably too honest. As a result, I have been interrogated, and given detailed forms asking for financial details TWICE to complete, provide financial information, medium earnings, etc. I am a single woman and not even with a partner, let alone living with one or having children — so there is truly no excuse or reason they would want to visit my home unless it’s to use force, intimidation, and harass me. Although in some cases it might be necessary, it’s not in mine, as I am always honest and already provided all the information requested.
Yet, despite sending a 4-page letter, which they received, I was STILL threatened on Thursday with the possibility of a visit to my home in the “future”. They don’t want to leave me alone. I told him I considered this harassment, as there is no rational reason to come to my home and I made it very clear I DON'T want it and will REFUSE it, regardless of any money I get. It seemed the Inspector backed off and decided a home visit wasn't necessary, but I still feel the threat is hanging over me. I will ALWAYS refuse anyone trying to force me to let them into my home for absolutely no reason. It is bullying and harassment. I no longer even feel comfortable in my home.
They are truly awful and stressful to deal with, and instead of being appreciative that people like me, who don't stand a great chance of getting a job, on age alone (as ageism exists), are taking the initiative to write on Medium. Believe it or not, the Inspector even asked (seriously!) - "Do you have experience in writing?". I believe this was an attempt to humiliate me in some way and take my confidence away. He also never even heard of Medium, so is ignorant of how it works.
Another terrible thing he did was pretend he didn't know I worked for NHS in the past, as I also had to declare an increase in my NHS pension (Cost of Living). I get a pittance in NHS pension and have always declared it and been honest with them from the start, and last Thursday, the Inspector asked me "Did you work for the NHS?". That will tell you how irrational they are, as obviously, I did work in the NHS and it is why I get a pension! Again I feel it was a deliberate attempt to humiliate me. After this interview, it was so stressful and time-consuming, having to produce documents TWICE and I believe a form of harassment for being unemployed and getting money, I ended up crying.
I know the UK has similar and worse problems, but I regret the day I ever returned to live in Ireland. and it's one reason I've been long-term unemployed. In the UK I have 20 full years of national insurance contributions. I ALWAYS worked in the UK, other than for short periods sometimes when I wasn’t but it is nothing like here at all.