Something like that isn't always just ghosting. Depending on the relationship, it can be toxic behaviour patterns. It isn't always so benign as someone just being mad and resuming contact. I have had very distressing situations that involved pathological behaviour patterns, ghosting being just one part. The rest being pathological lying, cheating, emotional blackmail and coercion. Ghosting might, in some instances, be just one part of a much bigger problem, such as power dynamics, etc. Everyone has their own interpretation of what ghosting means. I think blocking can be for many reasons, other than ghosting. I don't care who blocks me online, because if they do, I have probably done something right. Blocking can be used also to protect one's mental space and mental health, if they find something too distressing. Thanks for mentioning links. I can look up whatever I feel I need to understand about ghosting myself. My understanding is, as explained. Thank you! Have a good day.