
Thank you Michael, this is great writing indeed, and very impressive how you exactly identify the issues, in such an eloquent way to write in this way. It is truly heart warming to know there are people who fully appreciate situations that would get other's back up, and they would get defensive. Your openness and honesty is refreshing. I am so glad you used the word "illness" as that how it was beginning to feel to me when I felt that sense of being cornered, and not knowing how to react in the groups.

Engagement in the groups often felt like people "dumping" their links rather than offering them as an opportunity or choice to read. There was something almost crude about the whole thing. You have so amazingly come up with the good of idea of thinking carefully and consideration for asking people to engage (ie) trying as close as possible to match what you read, rather than dump any old link that might be totally irrelevant or not connected to what was read. The closer the match, the more likely someone's link will be read, because it would be in some way related at least. Even that might not be a perfect answer, and still someone might not read but it is better than not caring about engagement.

Thanks for writing this story, it explains it much better than I did, and I think everyone who reads your story should be grateful for this. You're a great writer and enjoyed your other stories, as there is always a beginning, middle and end and it all interlinks, which is wonderful.



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