Deirdre ("Writer in the Abyss" )
2 min readJul 30, 2024


Thanks Anthony! It's good to get results about traits, although my primary purpose wasn't that at all but to find out family on my birth father side but the offer came with the option for traits, so as it wasn't a huge amount more, I went with that. That was for Ancestry. Previously I had uploaded Myheritage raw data to Genomelink and some traits changed also. It seems their free limited analysis might not go much in-depth or give the same information, so their paid subscription offered over 300 traits analysed.

All I can say is that if you go down this route just be mindful of the backup research, as many samples have small surveys of different ethnicity which may confound the results. I would use any trait analysis as a guide but not absolute, as it's still evolving and developing and there is ongoing research and surveys. Genomelink have a vast arrange of traits compared to Ancestry, so I figure that there maybe more accurate results on Ancestry, particularly as my trait for extroversion changed to introvert last year (as did many others result for this trait).

I have to say this knocked me back a bit in terms of how I viewed myself, but the thing is to keep an open mind. For me, I feel the Ancestry trait is more accurate, as I can be quite happy on my own a lot and I tend to be introverted more than extroverted. But both introvert and extrovert exist on a continuum also, and there is also a trait called "Ambivert" which is less talked about, which is both Introvert and Extrovert. I think DNA trait analysis can definitely inform us in some way, even it's not accurate, as we then have the power to do our own independent research and see how much the analysis is backed up by more robust studies and if your own self assessment agree's, there is a good change it is right and indicates a disposition towards a trait, but environment also plays a big role and people that have certain dispositions can adapt to their environment also. But having this awareness is good, as DNA will also in some way be a factor and understanding ourselves more is always valuable.



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