Thanks, yes I was just thinking exactly this. I read a lot about him, not just the surface stuff. Although both his parents were talented, they had problems. His father suffered mental health issues and his mother was very controlling and dressed him as a girl. His "code hero" was exactly the opposite, emphasising masculinity, bravery etc. Also I think his "Iceberg" theory also stemmed from his childhood and covering up problems he had, so he wanted his readers to look beyond the tip of the iceberg and understand nuances. He had 4 marriages, and probably a "live for today" attitude, as that was part of "code hero". He was an alcoholic and his life was one of hedonism and indulgence I would think. Drinking combined with his illness, traumatic experiences both in childhood and in WWW, together with his friendships with the "long generation", who drank a lot too, didn't help him. Apparently many in his family suffered same. So terribly sad, as he he was hugely talented.