That certainly seems like some kind of mind game stuff going on. She seems to have deliberately wanted to mess you around for no reason. I know people like this, not always opposite sex. They take you for stupid and disrespect your time. Once had a very begruding friend who constantly faked respecting me, but was secretly jealous I moved into my own place. She would deliberately lie saying she was calling over and never did or told me she wasn't. Just couldn't care less. I kept giving her benefit of doubt and she tried to shift blame onto me. The last straw was when I was dying with very bad flu on my own and when I tried to contact and texted her, she hung up and turned off her phone for a week. It was evil and I ended up telling her exactly what I thought, that she has no friend and never to contact me again and blocked her. Some people are selfish, mean and nasty. We get sucked in by their charm. I always knew in my gut what she was like from the past but ignored it. Trust your gut and don't waste time on people like that.