
That's a super interesting article, thanks for writing and sharing. I have only just started writing on Medium and already realise a good article I wrote that was 8 minutes long got hardly no reads. I think when viewers went to read it, seeing it was 8 mins put them off. In general, I tend to be a long detailed writer and have to curtail that. I agree there is a market for both long and short writing. These days, it is sure like a quick fix McDonald's mentality. People want tasty quick soundbites and have short attention spans. If anyone feels like focusing for 8 mins on my long article, I would so much appreciate the time and thanks so much. 🔰😀 This is the 'long' article - https://deirdrewriterintheabyss.medium.com/candlelight-concerts-psychology-historical-significance-fever-globally-2cd2ebd0adf1?sk=186f0953753116a52cc94ec97a9be35a



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