There is excellent research in this article. Even if some studies are small sampled, they offer insights and there maybe larger studies done which replicate the findings. I am sure there are parts of the brain which have been identified that give these premonitions, the thought and feeling of something happening before it does. I've often had these and for not "logical" reason. I would think of something and feel it very strongly and suddenly the very thing I think of happens. I usually get a strong feeling or at least strange feeling. Same with other things too, like I might go to bed and the thought I left a window open occurs, even though my logical mind tries to convince me I didn't but when I check, I have done. It's always worth listing to gut feeling and intuition, as there is a logic in it we don't know consciously. Sometimes my senses are more heightened than other times, and I feel quite in tune with the unconscious. I think it is something that can be developed.