This is a really good article. The title itself is good and drew me to read it. The issue of self-worth is very overlooked and I agree that lack of education can contribute towards it, and unfortunately, it does show in, my experience. I struggled to get my first degree a long time ago when I was working during the day and studying at night. It was the days of no laptops, etc, and working on top of that made it difficult, as did going to evening lectures after work. I don't think it got me a great career or lots of money but it helped in many areas and did help with finding work and being able to pick things up, being adaptable, and learning a lot about the degree I studied. In later years in life, and even now, I am only realising that it holds the key to having some kind of self-worth and confidence, as I take risks that others might not take, and am willing to try new things, use my creativity, etc. So I agree a degree isn't always about money and career, it can be about even more important things like self-worth.