This is truly a brilliantly article and explains the shadow in depth and aspects of it that many aren't even aware of, at least on a conscious level. I think we do have subconscious awareness to some extent, in that we know there are other aspects of our personality, some of which might not be great and how we deal with that is interesting. Understanding more about what the shadow actually is, is a great way to deal with it. The common sense notion that if we always strive to do good and desirable things, we will be good people, but if that was truly the case, there wouldn't be bad people who do good things and good people who do bad things. It's interesting that the shadow also becomes stronger the more it's repressed. I would love to read Robert Johnson's book, as it would be based on Jungian theories and up-to-date research. Thanks for sharing this amazing article. It's an eye-opener.