Wonderful story. Happy International Women's Day. You've been through such hell and have some brilliant achievements in your career, which you navigated successfully. Today is a day to take back your power. Today has been remarkably positive for me. I took positive action to vote in Family referendum in Ireland where the status of women in the home, as caregives and different type of family units is planned to be broadened. It is for the public to decide. I fear it may not happen however as seems majority aren't in favour, but will know outcome tomorrow. I struggled getting to polling station as it was a far distance in an area not serviced by public transport and I thought, "wouldn't it be great if some kind person gave me a lift". I have been feeling very negative a lot recently but today there was some small hope and spark of determination. As it transpired on my journey to and from polling station, I met truly genuine kind people offering me lifts both ways. I was made to feel so wonderful for taking the trouble to vote and felt my hope of humanity bounce back, realising the truly lovely people there are in life, who embrace helping out a stranger and making them feel like a million dollars. Today was one of the best days I have had for quite a long time, as I feel my inner confidence was right on track and I had resilience to persist when otherwise I might not have bothered. On my journey I met people who were just like family, wanting me to get back safe etc, yet we're strangers. This is the kind of world I want to live in.