
Yes, when something needs to end it is long overdue. Otherwise things get sour and nasty. If one person harbors bad feeling, jealousy, resentment and other toxic attitudes, that is extremely difficult to overcome. This "friend" thought she could control me and I would do what she wanted. When she found out I wouldn't let her control, other things emerged. Those hard feelings she spoke about towards others, were directed at me, although under a fake pretence but I saw through it immediately. The game was up then but I was very niave and didn't quite realise or accept it. Sometimes we can gaslight ourselves too! It's totally unacceptable to treat another human like they are inhuman. I know the background to this and it was always one on control and wanting to squash any independence I showed. I totally blocked this person but also told them what I think. I was going to try to negotiate the issues but there is absolutely no point. Any contact with that person truly disturbs me and affects me.



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